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This is a funny page with mostly interviews

Shippo looks really scary in this picture. It is from the second movie Inu Yasha and the Castle Beyond the Looking Glass

Kagome and Inu Yasha interview

Maki: Hi im maki and this my show. And I believe that Starbucks is taking over the world.

Someone from the audience: Me too!

Maki: Do you also think that Wal-Mart has taken over the world?

Someone from the audience: Yes I do! We're like twins! Meet me when your show is over.

Maki: Kay. Today we have kagome and Inu Yasha.

Kagome: Thanks and I love your "I do all my own stunts" shirt.

Maki: Thanks. Ok first question. Inu Yasha...Inu Yasha

Inu Yasha: *staring into the unknown*

Maki: Inu Yasha are you ok?

Inu Yasha: Ha! I just got it!

Kagome and Maki: Got what?

Inu Yasha: *points at Maki* Her shirt. I just got her shirt!

Maki, Kagome, and audience: *falls out of chair*

Kagome: Inu Yasha your so slow!

Maki: *stares at Inu Yasha* Is it okay if I...

Inu Yasha: *looks at Maki suspisously* What are you thinking?

Maki: Can I touch...your ears?

Inu Yasha: Hell no!

Kagome: Let her touch your ears!

Inu Yasha: Fine! Fine!

Maki: YAY! *starts rubbing Inu Yasha's ears*

Inu Yasha: Thank God that that's over with.

Maki: Kagome, does Inu Yasha know about Houjo?

Inu Yasha: Kagome, who's Houjo?

Maki: I'll take that as a no.

Kagome: He's no one.*laughs nervously* Just a friend at school.

Maki: He's not just a friend. You went out with him! Oops!

Inu Yasha: What! Take me to him Maki so that i can kick his ass!

Maki: Ooooo! I think Inu Yasha is jealous. Don't you think so audience?

Audience: Yes!

Inu Yasha: Shut-up! Come on Kagome, we're leaving.

Kagome: Ok. Bye Maki.

Maki: Bye. And that is our show

  Kana interview

Maki: Hiyas everybody this is maki speaking and im here interviewing Kana! Naraku's daughter.

Kana:*stares blankly at Maki*

Maki:*stares blankly back at Kana*

Maki: Do you ever talk?


Maki:*stares at Kana*

Kana: What are you staring at?

Maki: Smile! Damnit! *slaps Kana*

Kana: What was that for.

Maki: Do you ever smile?

Kana: Only when someone tickles me...Oops.

Maki: *evil smirk* YAAH!*jumps on Kana and starts tickleing her*

Kana: Stop you'll kill me.

Kana: *stops moving*

Maki: Whoa! She looks freaky when she smiles! No wonder she never smiles.

Maki: *pokes Kana* ...Kana...Kana, oh shit i killed her! *laughs nervously* And that is the end of our show. See you next time.

Kagome, Inu Yasha and Shippo interview

Maki: Hi peoples I'm Maki and this is my show! Today we have Kagome, Inu Yasha and Shippo.

Kagome: Thank for having us.

Maki: Ok! Shippo,ther are some rumors floating around that you are a girl.

Shippo: What?!

Inu Yasha: Feh! They think your a girl!*laughs hystericly*

Kagome: SIT BOY!

Inu Yasha: *Whump!*

Inu Yasha: What the hell was that for!

Kagome: You were picking on Shippo.

Shippo: Where did they get the idea that I'm a girl?!

Maki: Ahh.*picks up Shippo and hugs him*

Shippo: Put me down!

Maki: Sorry...They think you are a girl cause you were a bow and your voice is high pitched.

Shippo: Just because I wear a bow and my vioce is high does not make me a girl...WAAAAH!*runs off stage crying*

Inu Yasha: Whimp.

Maki: Be nice! Let's go to a commercial break!

Maki: Welcome back! Are you ok now Shippo?

Shippo: *sniff* Yes.

Maki: Do you want a cookie?

Shippo: No.

Maki: Ok...Inu Yasha who do you prefer Kagome or Kikyo?

Inu Yasha: Can we take a break?

Maki: No. We just got back from one.

Inu Yasha: Damn!

Kagome: Awnser her question!

Shippo: Boy are you in a pickle

Inu Yasha: I don't have to awnser your question!

Kagome: You better!

Inu Yasha: Make me! *pulls out Tessiaga* Wind Scar!


Kagome: Urrg! Sorry about this. I guess we'll be going. Bye.

Maki: Bye Shippo i love you!

Shippo: Bye Maki!

Maki: Well that the end of my show! See ya!


A trip to the lake

Maki: Hi everybody! Today I will not be doing interviews. Instead we are going to go to a lake! And going with us will be Kouga, Inu Yasha, Rin and Sesshomaru!

Rin: Hi Maki-chan! What are we going to be doing?

Maki: Weeeeellllll. I thought we would go paddle boating.

Sesshomaru: What is the point of that?

Maki: It's fun! Ok! Rin, you and Shessy will be-

Inu Yasha: Who's the hell is Shessy?

Maki: Shessy is Sesshomaru. DUH!


Sesshomaru: *whacks Inu Yasha with his poison blades* SILENCE! And you*stares at Maki* i told you to stop calling me that.

Inu Yasha: You want to start something!

Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha: GRRRRRR!

Maki and Rin: STOP!


Rin: Where's Kouga?

Maki: Yah! Where is he, he is 5 minutes late.

Kouga: *runs in at super speed* I'm here.

Maki: Your late! *bonks him on the head*

Kouga: Sorry. *sees Inu Yasha*

Inu Yasha: *sees Kouga*

Kouga and Inu Yasha: WHAT'S HE DOING HERE!

Maki: Quiet! *bonks them on the head with my malet*

Rin: Go Maki-chan!

Maki: As i was saying, Rin, you and Shessy-

Kouga: Who's Shessy?

Maki: UGGGGGHHHH! Forget about that! Rin, you and Shessy will be in this paddle-boat-

Rin: Yay! Thank you so much for putting me with him!

Maki: Your welcome!

Sesshomaru: What is she talking about?

Maki, Rin, Kouga, and Inu Yasha: *falls over*

Maki: You have no idea do you?

Sesshomaru: About what?

Inu Yasha: I believe that was a yes.

Maki: Never mind. Ok, Kouga, you, and Inu Yasha will be with me.

Kouga and Inu Yasha: What! I don't want to be with him!

Maki: Deal with it! Ok! Everyone put on your life-vest.

Everyone: *gets in the boats* (let's just pretend they know how to paddle-boat)

Rin and Sesshomaru: *vroooom!*

Maki: Whoa they sure have some leg muscles!

Inu Yasha: I'll stear.

Kouga: No i'll stear.

Inu Yasha: NO! i will!

Kouga: I will!

Maki: I'LL DO IT! INU YASHA YOU GET IN THE BACK! *mutters to self* How does Kagome put up with this?

Inu Yasha: This is going to slow.

Inu Yasha: *faces the water* WIND SCAR!


CRASH! *crashes into the other side of the lake*

Maki: Well i guess this is the end of our episode. bye.

Kouga: Look! What you did, dog crap!

Inu Yasha: Shut up! Wimpy wolf!



Naraku, Kagura, and Kohaku interview

Maki: Hi people this Maki here and welcome to the show. Today we have Naraku, Kagura and Kohaku.

Kagura: They already know that stupid.It said so in the title.

Maki: Leave me alone! Ok Kohaku do remember Sango?

Kohaku: Miss Sango? Yes I remember her. She is the lady that is really fond of me.

Maki: Did you know that you and her go really far back?

Kohaku: We do?.......

Maki: Kohaku are you OK?

Kohaku: ... Exscuse me, but who are you and where am I?

Maki: Naraku!!! You butthole! You made him forget again! I hate it when you DO that!!  Do you know how much pain that causes Sango!! GRRRR! *starts walking towards Naraku and is about to slap him*

Kohaku: Leave Master Naraku alone!

Maki: *slaps Naraku anyways* Good now that that's out of my system. *takes deep breaths and gives Naraku a very cold stare*

Naraku: *shivers*

Kagura: Someone needs to take some anger classes.

Maki: *lights on fire* SHUT UP!!!

Producer: *comes on stage* I think we need to take a commercal break. We are sorry for this inconvience. But it is very rare when Maki gets mad like that. Very very very rare.... God! I hate my job! It is so boring! Maki if you ever get mad like that again your fired!

Maki: Uh... boss... boss.

Producer: And Kagura could you at least be nice for five minutes! *guy comes and whispers something in his ear* What?! We're still on! Heheheh now for that break. 

Maki: Welcome back! OK Naraku. Do you and Seshsomaru get your eyeliner at the same store?

Naraku: What is this eyeliner you speak of? *Kagura whispers in his ear* OH! That's not eyeliner you fool!

Maki: Well then what is it? HMMM?

Naraku: It''''s paint yah that's it, it's paint.

Maki: What store did you get it from?

Naraku: Uh...uh... Claire's?

Maki: Claire's is a accessory store. That's makeup isn't it?

Naraku: Yes! Fine i'll admit it it's makeup ok! Happy now!

Maki: Yes, yes i am! That's the end of our show see you later!

Inu Yasha and Jinkotsu

Maki: Hi ya everybody! it's me Maki! welcome to me show! today we have Inuyasha and Jinkotsu.

Maki: Jinkotsu what did it feel like to be brought back to life?

Jinkotsu: it was ok... until i meet Inu Yasha. ^^ *stares at him lovingly*

Maki: *runs in front of Inu Yasha* Back off he's mine!

Jinkotsu: you wrentch!

Inu yasha: *sits back enjoying the show*


Ryoga: Maki I am here for my interview!

Maki: Ryoga! you where supossed to be here last week! God! you are sooo bad with directions!

Maki: *gets an evil idea, grabs her water and splashes Ryoga* Yaaay! its P-chan!

Ryoga/P-chan: *bites Maki*

Maki: OWWWW! get off my set!

Maki: where were we?

Inu yasha: you and Jinkotsu were about to fight.

Maki: OH yeah! Bring it on!

Jinkotsu: HEEyaaaa! *whips out his snake sword*


Maki: *blocks the sword* you'll have to do better than that. *uses her super speed and bonks Jinkotsu on the head with her giant mallet*


Jinkotsu : *unconscious*

Maki: Justice is done!

Inu Yasha: Holy crap! Damn your good! Will you join my team!

Maki: Sure!

Inu Yasha: hold on!

Maki: ok! well thats the end of my show bye!!!!!